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I’ll never forget the first time I heard it…
I’d been a mom for nearly a year. I’d been “accepted” by other moms.
They knew I was new on the scene, but they gave me grace. They’d been in my shoes. They knew I’d figure it out eventually.
Still – I wasn’t prepared for the day I actually heard the phrase.
It gave me mixed emotions.
I mean, I was ecstatic because I it really sunk in that I’m a mom and I “get it”.
But yet the situation wasn’t a pleasant one.
You see, one of our wrestlers had just broken his arm.
Let me rephrase that…you could hear his arm snap from across the gym. The entire place went quiet.
If you have never heard bones crack before, I hope you never have to! It is not a pleasant sound.
My husband is the head wrestling coach, so I passed little man off to go see how I could help. We were four hours from home, and this kid’s parents hadn’t made the trip that day.
They needed to be called, so I did it.
I reached the wrestler’s dad and explained what had just happened. Then Andrew talked to them for a little bit as well.
Things went alright. We got the kid loaded into the ambulance with the assistant coach, his dad was on his way, and everything was ok.
That’s when his mom called me.
“Heather, I need to hear it from another mom,” she said. “Should I be there?”
Whoa! Did she just say “from another mom”? Oh year, that’s right – that’s me!
“Well, if it were my son, I’d be on my way,” I said, with tears in my eyes.
“I’m getting in the car now!” his mom said. “His dad was trying to tell me I didn’t need to come! I just needed to hear it from another mom.”
I have no idea why the phrase “from another mom” had such a big impact on me that mid-winter Saturday.
It made me proud.
It made me scared.
This mommying this is tough!
But it’s exciting!
I’m guessing it’s the best thing I’ll ever have a chance to do in my entire life.
More than anything, it makes me appreciative.
P.S. Our wrestler turned out just fine. Thankfully he didn’t need surgery and the breaks were clean. After a few weeks in a cast, he’s good as new!
What a great, inspiring story. You are right sometimes you just need to hear it from someone that understands!
I co-host Everything Kids Link & Pin Party and this post fits perfect with what we love to see. If you are interested in sharing, our current party closes Wednesday night. We’d love you to share with us!!