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Dear Loved Ones,
Please stop texting while driving. Oh, you’re not texting you say? You’re just checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SnapChat. That’s basically the same thing. You are distracted. You are not totally focused on the road.
Oh, you drive these roads every day? Then you know that guy in front of you could slam on his brakes for no apparent reason. You also know how quick that deer in the ditch could jump out in front of you. Or perhaps you’ve heard that most accidents happen close to home. It’s true.
In 2013, there were over 3,000 people killed due to distracted driving. Over 400,000 were injured! You can read all about the stats here. {But if you are reading from your phone right now while driving, put the phone down!}
Yes, please feel free to call me a hypocrite because I WAS that person. I used to text and drive. I used to check my notifications and updates. Not anymore. I got married. I had a child. Under no circumstances do I want to leave them before my time, and I don’t want them to leave me. I want my little family safe. One bad decision could change all that.
And it’s not just about keeping my family safe. It’s about others’ families too! How horrible would I feel if I caused an accident and was able to walk away from it, but someone else wasn’t? Would I be able to live with myself each day if I ended a life?
I guess I need to go back and restart this post – Dear Everyone! Stop texting and driving. Better yet – put the phone down while driving!
No one should die such a preventable death. Before you make the argument that it can’t happen to you, think again. Do you really want to take that chance? Isn’t your life worth more than that? Aren’t your loved ones lives worth more than that?
You are so right, stop texting while driving. When I drive my cell is not near me at all, I don't pay any attention to it, there are to many deaths from texting for sure
Dear Everyone!
Oh, I could not agree more. If you are looking at your phone you are not looking at the road. Okay, I am done ranting. But really, it is not cool to put your life at risk along with everyone else's. Okay, now I am done. lol
Thanks for linking up with the FrugalMommas team!
This is a very bad habit I have been working on breaking for a long time now! I can't imagine the guilt if something happened. FOr a while I was charging my phone in the trunk of my van which removed all tempation.
I so agree with this! No texting and speaking while driving or for that matter even walking on the streets. I've seen people crossing streets, their eyes glued to the phones and I feel like shaking them up!