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You know how it goes. You have a new baby. You send out sweet little announcements. You buy those cute stickers to showcase each month. Every month you post your favorite picture all over your social media accounts. Many times you dress your baby in the same type of outfit each month, or else you pose them by the same prop – perhaps the same stuffed animal or chair – so everyone can literally see their growth.
Then it hits…
The 13th month.
What now?
Is your baby still a baby? Or is your sweet little one now a toddler? Is there a between term you don’t know about?
When people ask your child’s age – do you say one year or 13 months? Both are correct.
By now you’ve gotten so used to speaking about your child’s age in months that speaking in years seems a bit odd. Yet it’s true. Your baby is a full year old.
You’re not sure where the time went.
How was it you celebrated each month for the last year, and now it’s just simply all done? The thirteenth month comes and everything stops.
If this is your first child, this realization takes you by surprise. You were used to celebrating – big or small – that calendar day each month. But now it’s all done. Your baby has surpassed their first year. Do you still post on Facebook? Do you still send out regular e-mail updates to your family and friends? Or is your baby just now a year old and that’s that?
There’s probably no right answer here.
It’s just one of the many times as a new parent that you’re going to have something take you by surprise that you weren’t even prepared for. So you roll with it and determine you’ll make it through this new “milestone” just like you have all the others – by loving your little one the best you know how.
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