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Do you want to know how to talk about money? Maybe you want to talk it over with your partner. Or perhaps you need to ask a family member some financial questions. Or maybe you’re going to the bank to get your first loan. Regardless, I want to share with you what I have found to work in how to talk about money. So let’s get started.
Let me start by saying this. You are not going to find an “easy button” or some trick or hack at this blog post. The tip I’m about to give you will sound simple, but it’s going to be hard to actually put into practice and follow through with.
Are you ready for it…
Start talking.
Yes, that’s it. If you want to start having money conversations, you need to start them.
You won’t get answers from the bank if you don’t go in and tell them what you want.
You’ll never know how your mother has one million in investments if you never ask her how she invests.
You won’t know how your best friend started that great business if you don’t ask her what the start up costs were and how much she invests in it each month.
You and your spouse can’t be on the same page financially if you never discuss your finances. Start the conversation. Ask one little question.
Is there a chance you’ll be uncomfortable? Why yes, that could happen. Could your spouse get upset with you? Again, that might occur.
But until you start talking about finances and money in general, nothing is going to change.
You will continue to have debt. You will continue to live above your means. You will continue to be financially unhappy.
Am I saying that everything will change overnight as soon as you start the financial discussion? Of course not! It may take weeks, months, or even years to be able to openly and freely talk about money with others.
Andrew did not like to talk about money when we first started dating. As a matter of fact, he flat out avoided the conversation at all costs. He would get defensive, leave the room, or completely shut down. But as time went on, he finally opened up.
He had bad memories associated with talking about money. He thought talking about money would cause a fight.
But then we started having money conversations. They weren’t always pleasant or fun. But – you know what? Those conversations helped us pay off $70,000+ in debt. They helped us save a down payment for our first home. They also helped us save enough money that I was able to stay home with our son while we lived off of his teaching salary.
Was every conversation all glitter and rainbows? Nope. But they also weren’t knock-down drag-out fights. We learned how to have those money conversations and communicate.
I truly believe none of those things would have been possible if we hadn’t started with just one step – to start talking.
So today I urge you – start the money conversation. Ask a question. You can’t take control of your finances and be financially free by sticking your head in the stand.
Make a change.
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