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We talk so much about our kids milestones. But what about mom? For me, and your experience may be different, but something magical happened when my youngest was in Kindergarten. Im not sure exactly when it happened or even how, but it did.

Life got easier. They have more independence. They need me less. It is amazing, and also bittersweet.
As I am writing this, I’m in the first day of summer vacation after my youngest finished Kindergarten. I have watched her race around the yard, play in the sprinkler, and devour many books – all on her own. Not to mention chatter nonstop. 🙃 (Which 110% makes sense if you know Lil Miss IRL! lol)
Something magical happened, and I am grateful. But it’s also hard. I cried more tears in the last two weeks about her finishing Kindergarten that I did at the start of the year when she entered Kindergarten. And I didn’t do that with my oldest.
(Moms of more than two – did you experience this?!)
Some may call it hormones, and I’m not saying they are wrong. But this time is different…
My babies are grown. My toddler years are over. I don’t have preschoolers any longer.
Kindergarten was a bit of an “in-between” stage and now it’s over.
My kids are “graders”. (Don’t know what that means? HA! I didn’t either! Apparently that is my kids term for 1st-12th “graders” – aka, BIG KIDS.)
So now the magic and bittersweet part of the end of Kindergarten is here.
My babies are growing up. They are more independent. It is wonderful. And yet I feel like I am mourning what I had. I have loved and cherished watching them grow up all these years (so far!), but I also know I love these current ages AND will love the ones ahead of me.
Thank you, Lord, for entrusting these two children to my care. Thank you for showing me the magic of finishing Kindergarten.
Looking for materials to work on with your upcoming 1st grader over the summer so they maintain the skills they learned in Kindergarten? I’ve got you covered! (Remember: I am an elementary trained teacher who currently is working from home creating hands-on games and activities for homeschool parents and teachers.)
- Kindergarten Summer Review Packet
- Kindergarten Math Review Puzzles
- Kindergarten Literacy Review Puzzles