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Are you trying to go with an all natural shampoo for curly hair? I’m with you! In the fall of 2015 I decided to switch out my chemical-filled shampoo, and it’s been quite the ride…
First, I did a bunch of internet searches. However, many times when you search for “curly hair” ideas online you come up with searches for African-American hair, and my hair simply does not fit that bill! You see – I have curly, thin hair. Very thin.
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Baking Soda Shampoo
Regardless, I figured I had nothing to lose. So I kept searching until I came across a recipe for a baking soda shampoo. There were all sorts of warnings about how my hair may go through an adjustment phrase, but I decided to try it anyway. The baking soda shampoo was followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse.
I did this from about September through Christmas. It worked well, but I must be the worst at rinsing out my hair because the flakes were out of control. I could scratch my scalp and my fingernails would be covered in baking soda. No, not dandruff, but actual baking soda. Eww.
I gave that up.
Liquid Castile Shampoo
Starting around Christmas I switched to a homemade Castile soap shampoo. I mixed 1/4 cup of liquid Castile soap with 1.5 cups of water. I also added a few of my favorite essential oils, but this part isn’t necessary.
That shampoo worked great! It took a few shampoos to get all of the baking soda out of my scalp and hair, but then I used this Castile soap shampoo with an apple cider vinegar rinse from December-April. My hair did seem a little dry, but nothing major.
Young Living Shampoo
The only reason I tried another option was because a friend of mine would not stop ooh-ing and ahh-ing about how awesome the all natural Young Living shampoos were. So I gave the lavender mint shampoo and conditioner a try. WOW! As much as I thought I enjoyed my Castile shampoo, this one is 10x better! My hair is super soft, my curls are super defined, and I’ve got some body and “poof” back again! I will not be going back to anything else again!!
I hadn’t really told anyone about any of my hair changes. I wanted to see if people noticed on their own. About a week after switching to Young Living’s shampoo and conditioner, I saw my mom for the weekend. Within just a few minutes of seeing me she exclaimed, “Oh my gosh! Your hair looks so soft and touchable – and I’ve never said that about your hair before!”
While her comment made me giggle, it was also true! My hair is softer now that it has EVER been in my entire life. I can’t imagine that I’ll be leaving the Young Living hair care line any time soon!
But then it got even better! You see, I had tried the lavender mint shampoo and conditioner because that’s what a friend swore by. But I knew I preferred the smell of vanilla. When they came back in stock, I grabbed them! OH MY WORD! Friends, I love the copaiba vanilla shampoo and conditioner even more than I liked the lavender mint!
I know it may be hard to see in the pictures I’ve included, but I always felt like my hair was crunchy when I used regular hair products. And then my hair just went a bit dull and lifeless when I was using the baking soda and castile shampoos, although I didn’t realize it at the time. The Young Living shampoos are definitely the best option I’ve used for an all natural shampoo for curly hair. You may have to play around a bit to see what works best for you, but I say go for it!
Want to get your hands on your own Young Living essential oils and beauty products, like the shampoo and conditioner mentioned here? I’d love for you to join my team! Click here to see how you can get this all natural shampoo for curly hair (well, honestly it’s for all hair types) today!